Thursday, March 25, 2010

Painting - The Home Stretch!

With the first bits of blue on the car, it was time to knuckle down and get it done! So the it took a while, getting everything up to the same stage. All the panels smoothed out and making sure we didn't miss anything. Then came the masking, short of one minor hissy fit, it was all very easy. But eventually the time came. Blue all over! God it made a mess. There was blue dust everywhere! It was worth it tho, the engine bay was first (I think?)...

Looks a lot better. If you can recall back to what it originally looked like...

Then came the panels...

Front and rear bumper's turned out brilliantly!

Then came the body...

The pictures look really dull, but I think that's just the iPhone's awesome camera.

This is the closet we came to assembling it. The final clear coats make the blue really shine! Looks pretty good...if I do say so myself.

The only thing left to do now is assemble it...hope we don't scratch anything! (Oh and another sanding. I hate sanding).

**Note: I'm now up to date with my blog, obviously I haven't done all of this work in a few weeks. Its taken months, but there was no point only telling half the story. So this is where I currently am in the project. Any updates from now will be on an as-they-happen basis!! I can't wait!

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